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Metanauto 2018

Sustainability and innovation, this is the combination that in recent years is dominating the panorama of methane by road.
Federmetano, on the occasion of its 70th anniversary, wants to take stock, using authoritative experts, on the great news that natural gas is the protagonist.
This is why Metanauto returns, the historic event organized by the Association, aimed at both operators in the sector and those who want to discover the potential of methane.
Metanauto 2018 is a two-day event focused on the virtuous chain of biomethane, liquid methane (LNG) and liquid biomethane, the new declinations of natural gas for transportation that will indicate the channels of development and use of this energy vector.
The key words of this 11th edition, whose theater is FICO Eataly World - the largest agri-food park in the world - are: ecosustainability, culture, support for companies, team skills. This is how a historic event for Federmetano becomes the modern stage on which Institutions, Universities and companies dialogue and illustrate innovations that can guide everyone towards a better world.

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