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Thu, Apr

Will it be a green new deal?


XVIII legislation. The new Government immediately pronounced itself in favor of a Green New Deal, undersigning the 29 point guidelines drawn by the President of the Council which is based on the proposals by the three parties: the 5 Star Movement, the Democratic Party and, Free and Equal Party. The same trend was expressed with the update note to the 2019 economy and finance documents.

On the subject of energy and the environment, it is important to note that in the next 15 years, 50 billion euros are destined for urban regeneration, energy reconversion and incentive to use renewable sources. In the note the Government also announces 23 new bills related to the budget maneuver 2020 - 2022, the first of which is titled Green New Deal and ecological transition of the country. The Green New Deal is one of the pillars of the maneuver – said Minister Gualtieri – with over one billion investments for 2020.