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Thu, Sep

From Eni and Basf the sustainable technology for producing bio propanol from industrial waste


Eni and the chemical company Basf signed a strategic agreement for a joint research and development initiative aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the transport sector. The cooperation aims to develop a new technology to produce advanced bio-propanol from glycerin resulting from the production of FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) bio diesel. The technology under development involves the conversion of glycerin into propanol through an innovative catalytic hydro treatment process and consists of a high pressure hydrogenation process using a BASF commercial catalyst, in order to produce high bio-propanol performance and purity, minimizing the production of by-products. The propanol obtained can be added directly as a bio component in the formulation of fuels. Thanks to the best chemical physical properties compared to conventional bio-ethanol and a high octane number, bio-propanol is a very valuable component in the formulation of premium gasoline and can potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a percentage ranging from 65 and 75% compared to fossil fuels.