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Thu, Sep

Europe: record of bio-methane production


In 2021 bio-methane production broke all records: now Europe has 1,023 production plants.

According to the European Association of this sector, it could be the starting point for the entire EU economy decarbonization. Overall there are 20,000 bio gas and bio-methane plants. France, Italy and Denmark are the countries with the higher increase in new plants: 91 opened in France in 2020 and 123 opened between January and October 2021. In second place Italy with +11 plants followed by Denmark with +10. Sustainable bio-methane can cover up to 30-40% of the gas consumption foresee for 2050, with a production of at least 1,000 TWh (terawatt-hour). A hot topic in the international panorama: on one side the need to face the challenging objectives of reducing emissions on the other hand the need of energetic independence that has increased rapidly after the terrible war in Ukraine which has put in danger the international balaces.