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Thu, Sep

The car? I converted it into LPG


Converting a car into a LPG vehicle allows for an ever increased savings over time. It is about 60% cheaper compared to petrol and 47% cheaper compared to diesel.

In addition to saving money, liquid gas cars are permitted to circulate even in the event of traffic limitations which usually in the winter affects millions of urban Italian drivers. This is thanks to the well-known environmental virtues.

Liquid gas cars offer better environmental performances than traditional high standard cars with at minimum between a 10 to 20% less CO2 emissions compared to petrol cars. There is an almost 80% NOX and 40% PM10 reduction compared to diesel cars. New studies confirm that emissions are lower even in real driving conditions. The money spent for transforming into a liquid gas car can be recovered in a short time and there are no longer any problems for refueling given the over 3,900 distributors throughout Italy. How to choose the best option for one’s mobility needs? From an antique car to the latest model, we asked a specialized operator in the after market conversion.