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Mon, Oct

LNG, a fuel for the future in transportation and industry


On May 15th and 16th, the “Mostra d’Oltremare” of Naples hosts the international appointment ConferenzaGNL®, the Conference of Small Scale LNG Use, Euro-Mediterranean Conference & Expo.

This initiative that promotes the small-scale LNG chain is organized by Mirumir in collaboration with WEC Italia. The employment of LNG (liquefied natural gas) in transportation and industry is a solid reality of the global energy transition. LNG is a fuel, in its bio version as well, used for heavy vehicles and maritime transportation, and it is also often employed in industries and city networks. In the future, it will be used for on rail transportation and space carriers. LNG can be considered an alternative energy to be fully exploit in national and international energy plans. The past two years have seen the consolidation of this fuel market in Asia, North America and Europe. The Scandinavian area uses LNG mostly for maritime related uses while the Mediterranean area for in land transportation.