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Mon, Oct

Green Endurance, the Energy Saving Italian Championship has started


The 2° edition of Green Endurance, the Energy Saving Italian Championship has started.

The Championship is reserved to ecologic vehicles fueled by alternative and renewable energies and it is organized by ACI Sport - partner of S.E.S.A. spa and Bioman, charge partner e-Station. It is a regularity competition whose purpose is to promote sustainable mobility also in the sports field. The first competition of the season called 1° AciComo Ecogreen – was held in Come this past April 27th and 28th, and it was won by the bio methane fueled 500 Abarth owned by Ecomotori Racing Team. As of today, the 2019 competitions that have been already confirmed are four, while another two appointments are under definition. After the Como race, the next dates are: on June 21th-23rd in the province of Padua the 1° Sesa Green Endurance Este ,on September 6th-8th in Trento the 1° EcoDolomites GT 2019 and on October 12th and 13th in Turin the 2° Green Endurance Torino 2019. For additional information and enrollment please visit: www.greenendurance.org.