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Thu, Sep

Autopromotec 2022: automotive future


Ecological transition, autonomous driving, digitization and technological advancement, these were the themes of Autopromotec 29th edition, a biennial international exhibition of automotive equipment and aftermarket, held in Bologna on May 25th-28th.

Over 1,311 companies attended the fair, 31% of which coming from 46 different countries. 75,000 operators in total, 15% coming from 116 countries, that visited the fair so to discover new products and services for each market segment. Mr. Renzo Servadei, Autopromotec’s AD declared: the enthusiasm in meeting again in presence after a long time was tangible. Over the past three years, the world seemed to have stopped, but companies didn’t stop investing and innovating. This has brought a huge technological advancement that could be seen in these past few days of the fair in every aspect: visitors had finally the chance to touch with their own hands the news announced in recent months. An increasingly technological and digitized sector, in addition to new challenges, it offers important opportunities to be seized: professional operators have shown to be well aware of the importance of information, updating and training to keep up with the times.