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Thu, Sep

25 years of Ecomondo! And 15 of Key Energy


From November 8th til 11th, in Rimini exhibition center, two international events of the Italian Exhibition Group dedicated to green technologies and the ecological transition will be back.

This is the 25th edition for Ecomondo, a reference platform in Europe for the technological innovation market of the circular and green economy. Instead it is the 15th appointment with Key Energy, which aims to encourage and accelerate the process of spreading renewable energy. From energy efficiency to smart cities, from renewable sources to sustainable mobility. Also for the 2022 edition, it is expected a rich calendar of conferences and seminars with experts, researchers, companies and national and international institutions with an increasing presence of the European Commission. Ecomondo will also host the 11th edition of the States General Green Economy promoted by the National Council of the Green Economy in collaboration with the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the patronage of the European Commission.