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Thu, Sep


The 28th edition of Autopromotec, the International biennial Faire of automotive equipment and aftermarket, took place at the Bologna faire district this past May 22nd - 26th. The event brought together the entire vehicle assistance sector, focusing on market evolution, technological innovation, specialization and professional training.

The 23rd edition of Ecomondo, the great European event on circular economy organized by the Italian Exhibition Group, will take place this year at the Rimini Fair on November 5th through the 8th. Simultaneously, the three-year event Sal.Ve will be held, the Ecological Vehicle Show (Salone del Veicolo Ecologico) with Key Energy for the world of renewable energy will be present.

This year, the World LPG Association & Liquid Gas Europe are joining together to bring the biggest LPG event in the world, the 32nd World LPG Forum & 2019 European Congress, to Amsterdam (24 - 27 September 2019). The LPG industry is always seeking to reach outside the industry to help inform others about the industry and the contribution it makes to our environment, and also to encourage others to look into the LPG sector as a potential to either grow outside businesses or to grow personal and professional networks.

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