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Wed, Jun

DrossOne V2G Parking: an aid to the net from electric vehicles


The project coordinated by Free2Move eSolutions – a technological operator in the e-Mobility field- is already in its development phase.

This company was born from a joint venture between Stellantis and Nhoa, aka Engie Eps and it involves the electric vehicles parked in the logistic district of Drosso, in FCA Mirafiori in Turin. The vehicles are connected to bidirectional charging stations supported by a stationary storage system made thanks to reconditioned batteries (second-life batteries). The batteries will be an aid to the electric network while they are waiting to be sent to the car dealerships. In this way, the energy produced will be available to the national energy network through Terna, a operator of the national transmission system, responsible for balancing the electricity net. A service whose demand is destined to grow hand in hand with the increase of renewable energy and the spread of electric cars which will introduce elements of instability on the electrical power system.