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Fri, Jul

Cars sales deep in the red. Better for alternative fueled cars


In October 2021 the Italian car market totaled 101,015 registrations (-35.7%) against 157,188 registered the past October 2020.

The volumes registered in the first ten months of the year totaled to 1,266,629 units; a 12,7% increase compared to the volumes of January-October 2020, a period that was characterized by a significant decline in sales due to the effects of the containment measures of the pandemic. Compared to 2019, the period January -October 2021 shows a decline of 22%. Registrations of alternative fuel cars represent 56.6% of the October market and 46.9% in the first ten months, -3.9% in the month and + 97.1% from the beginning of the year.
October also ushered in a phase of sharp rise in fuel prices (in the air for some time), particularly heavy especially for LNG and methane,
reaching 2 euros per kg in many gas stations.