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Wed, Jul

Cars, 2021 in the red, but alternative fuel cars made up 50% of sales


The data from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility give a disheartening picture of the car market.

In December 2021 were listed only 86,679 registrations, -27.5% compared to the same month 2021 (with 119,620 units). Now it is possible to draw a final 2021 balance: in total we had 1,457,952 registrations, 5.5% more than 2020, but compared to 2019 it is a 23.9% less. The decline of diesel and petrol cars is steady, in favor of hybrid and electric cars. In December, the share of non-rechargeable hybrid cars id the highest in the market again. Registrations of alternative fuel cars are 53,7 % in December and overall 47,9 % for 2021, registering a -5,9% in the month and a + 71.6% from the beginning of the year.