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MobyDixit 2017

MobyDixit - 17th National Conference on Mobility Management and Sustainable Mobility
The National Conference on Mobility Management and Sustainable Mobility has been for seventeen years an important moment of reflection for the main national stakeholders involved in the processes of urban mobility management in Italy. MobyDixit puts at the center of its proposal the European vision on Mobility Management, trying to combine it with national experiences in both education and business.

The format of MobyDixit adds to the mobility themes also those closer to a wider public and linked to green transport and mobility as essential necessities, needed not only to work or study, but also to live a full social and social and economic integration.

The MobyDixit 2017 Conference will be divided into two working days with plenary sessions, thematic workshops and a series of events of a scientific, cultural, educational and recreational nature.

Official Website