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Sat, Jul

We are increasingly into the year 2021 with the awareness of the numerous expectations we have: defeating the virus and gaining herd immunity, starting a solid economic recovery, having the opportunity to give a new economic push to the country thanks to an excellent Recovery Plan, being able to finally hug each other and shake hands, smiling more and without a mask.

After four years in the company of Donald Trump, Joe Biden’s term will begin next January, and he promises to have a significant from an environmental point of view. The outgoing president has always been opposed to the fight against climate change, so much so that he insisted that the US left out from the Paris Treaty and the final cancellation of the Clean Power Plan, created in 2015.

The decline of sales in the auto market decreases. If July had totaled 136,455 registrations, 11% less than in the same month of 2019, in August we are at 88,801, so only 0.4% less than in the same month of 2019.

According to the international consulting firm Deloitte, an analysis focused on the automotive sector would reveal a short to medium term slowdown in the global transition to electric mobility.

Restart: we are facing many problems and they add to those that there were prior to the Covid-19 emergency.

We are about to publish number 141 of Ecomobile just as we see ourselves in the midst of the corona-virus emergency, which unfortunately involves as protagonist our country, Italy.

The new hybrid Fiat Panda and the Fiat 500 with the same power supply were presented to the international press at FICO Eataly World in Bologna, the theme park dedicated to Italian agricoltural/food bio diversity.

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