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Fri, Sep

With biomethane up to the Arctic


Guido Guerrini, journalist, and traveler, only with low environmental impact means: he tells us about the latest feat, completed with his Turin - Beijing association during the summer.

He underlines the goal: Traveling ten thousand kilometers from Italy to Northern Europe, the Bio Cng European Tour wanted to send a precise message about what can already be done today with biomethane. In nine nations and ten thousand kilometers, 87% traveled using only biomethane, relying on a standard production car, a Seat Leon Tgi with a methane system, to represent an example for most users of the world of natural gas with which to compare consumption and distances. The driving style was deliberately realistic as possible, with sustained speeds but always within limits set or recommended by each nation crossed. 
The average distance was about 30 kilometers with one kilogram of natural gas.