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Mon, Sep

Second life to the engine thanks to the mix of hydrogen-methane


Landi Renzo, a global leader in the sector of mobility and sustainable natural gas, biomethane, and hydrogen infrastructures jointly with FPT Industrial, an Iveco Group company dedicated to the design, production, and sale of alternative engines and propulsion systems for all industrial vehicles, have developed the Hythane On-Board Blending - OBB - system, an innovative solution able to allow the hydrogen-methane mixture (so-called Hythane or hydromethane) inside the vehicle.

Based on a brand new and innovative double rail concept and a dedicated adjustment device, it guarantees a further reduction in CO2 emissions compared to natural gas and diesel (-10% compared to natural gas and -20% compared to diesel), exploiting the same layout as the natural gas engine and ensuring equal performance and efficiency. 
The Hythane is a ready-now solution that can provide a second life to urban and suburban bus fleets and short and medium-range vehicles with natural gas engines, extending engine life and reducing emissions.