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Mon, Sep

On the occasion of IAA Transportation (an international trade fair dedicated to the world of transport which took place in September in Hanover, Germany), Westport Fuel Systems, one of the world leaders in alternative fuel systems sector and low-emission transport technologies, presented its new HPDI system (westport-hpdi.com).

Assogasmetano, Federmetano and NGV Italy are associations representative of gas mobility, also renewable, that sent a a joint letter to the Government to underline once again the extremely difficult situation that this sector is going through, due to the uncontrolled growth in gas prices that our country is experiencing in general.

Hydrogen is the key player for the energy transition, central to the NRP, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the European Green Deal.

It is a difficult moment for the automobile market, which is trying to recover after the Covid period: in an ups and downs of numbers and percentages, burdened by the blows inflicted by the global crisis of the shortage of components. In addition the crisis in the supply of microchips has heavy repercussions on the production and delivery dates of cars. Finally, the government cut the incentives for the most popular cars, the ones that register an average CO2 emission between 61 to 135 gr/km. So unfortunately this past August, we witnessed a strong decrease of new car registrations (-27,47%) compared to a pre-pandemic August 2019, and an overall -20% in the period between January-August. Besides petrol and diesel fuelled cars that are in constant decline, we’d like to examine the alternative energy powered cars market. In fact, in August 2021 of the total number of car registered, half had alternative fuels and generally they represented 45,1% of the cars sold in the first eight months of the year, incrementing by 36,2% in the single month and by 155% since the beginning of the year. Electric cars represent more than 40% of the market share (41,6% in the month and 36% overall), while gas fuelled Cars represent 12% of the market share in August 2021 and 9,1% in the first eight months.

There are still too few ecological circulating cars: considering all of the alternative propulsions available, we reach 10.7% of the fleet in circulation, compared to 9.8% in 2019.

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