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Sun, Sep

Buses, trains and trucks: hydrogen arrives

Current News

Among the energy carriers with a leading role in the future of energy and transport there is certainly hydrogen and experiences in thissense are numerous.

Starting with Hydron, the first Made in Italy hydrogen bus, presented in September and built and designed in Umbria by Rampini SpA, totally powered by hydrogen fuel cell. Rail transport also focuses on hydrogen: the first experiences have produced brilliant results. A stock, unmodified Coradia iLint train from Alstom traveled 1,175 kilometers across Germany without refueling the hydrogen tank, emitting only water and producing very low noise levels. Internal combustion engines can also benefit from hydrogen: Westport Fuel System’s H2 HPDI ™ fuel system (see page 20) allows heavy vehicles to express power and torque, reducing CO2 emissions while preserving the existing architecture of the diesel engine. The proposal by FPT Industrial (Iveco Group) and Landi Renzo also focuses on hydrogen: an innovative mixing system with natural gas, the Hythane On-Board Blending system (see page 30).