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Sat, Jul

Circular Italy and energy autonomy

Current News

The study Towards Italian energy autonomy: water, wind, sun, waste our raw materials was presented at the Cernobbio Forum, created by The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with the multiutility A2A.

The goal is to take stock of how enhancing available energy sources can contribute to energy autonomy and the vital role of regions and territories. The data that emerged are relevant: Italy is fifth last in Europe for energy autonomy (22.5% vs. 39.5% EU average 2019) but is second for renewable resources; it is among the most virtuous countries in terms of improving energy autonomy, with more than nine percentage points between 2000 and 2019. The increase is over two times that of France (3.7%) and over four times that of Spain (1.8%). There are considerable opportunities for developing current technologies and existing regulatory and structural constraints. The enhancement of water, wind, sun, and waste, which can be activated quickly in the light of current technologies and constraints – declared Valerio De Molli, CEO of The European House - Ambrosetti – can increase our energy autonomy by almost 36 percentage points, contributing in a way substantial to guarantee the current levels of consumption and reach the most critical sustainability and decarbonization goals.