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Thu, Sep

Welcome hydrogen


The Special Automotive Webinar by #FORUMAutoMotive – an initiative promoted by the journalist Pierluigi Bonora – has inaugurated the year 2021 on January 15th, analyzing scenarios involving hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

A technology that could represent a sustainable solution, together with LNG, for the strategic sector of road transportation. “Hydrogen, from words to reality” was the title of the online round table, which was attended by many personalities. “Electricity has been the mantra at the center of attention for many years and hydrogen can represent a significant step forward” underlined Bonora -. “Heavy transportation is the number one candidate to go from words to deeds, but infrastructure and distribution are scarce. So far, there are only their guidelines”H2IT – the Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association, presented the report “Support tools for the hydrogen sector. Priorities for the development of the hydrogen supply chain in Italy”, identifying 51 priorities for action and 66 policies. A sector that could reach a quarter of the share of the final energy consumption in 2050, according to H2IT, while today it represents a modest fraction of the energy mix used.