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Sat, Jul

The “Panda” becomes biological


Fiat Panda Natural Power 0.9 Lounge
The Fiat Panda Natural Power 0.9 Lounge looks cute and compact. It is an agile and practical car in the city, but also very safe on winding streets thanks to the way it holds the road.

The cabin offers high comfort for four adults and is detailed using good quality materials also including lots of useful compartments. The gas implant in this car is perfectly integrated and allows traveling for up to almost 300 km with gas expenses reduced from 0,070 to 0,030 euro/km. This saving is more than sufficient in order to cover the price gap of this bifuel car compared to the regular petrol car traveling 55.000 km. This model is also being tested in the project “BioMetaNow” so, it uses biomethene gas. This is an additional improvement to the already high biologic qualities of this model, credited with a CO2 emissions equal to 85 g/km. The full optional Lounge costs 16,950.00 euro. If you wish to save there is the “Easy” version which costs 15,850.00 euro.