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Fri, Apr

Cop 26, the (limited) agreement for the Climate was reached


On November 13th, when most of the people were starting to doubt, the new world climate agreement was reached.

The Glasgow Climate Pact was signed by about the 200 countries representatives present after a last minute intervention from India. A compromise on carbon was found: instead of the phase-out formula, meaning a slow and gradual elimination of carbon usage, it was proposed a phase-down solution, meaning a slow reduction of carbon usage. The main objective was to maintain global warming under the 1,5 degrees raise from the pre-industrial levels, compared to the 2 degrees agreed upon at the previous Paris Agreement. The emission cuts remain at 45% less by 2030 compared to 2010, aiming for zero emissions in 2050. All of the countries were also invited to accelerate on renewable sources, to close coal plants as soon as possible and to eliminate subsidies to fossil fuels. Many think that the result achieved is an extremely weak agreement, which allows for many loopholes and is not conclusive on the most critical issues, which hopefully can be faced with greater results as early as next year in Sharm el-Sheik, where Cop27 will be held.