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Sat, Jul

The natural capital


Long-Term Decarbonization Strategy, National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr), Next Generation EU, National Energy and Climate Plan. These are the most significant economic and environmental measures implemented for Italy, which will affect the development of markets and supply chains, air and water pollution, recycling and circularity, health and protection of natural resources.

They have a great novelty in common: they make of environmental sustainability a flag, a tool and a goal, something that did not even remotely happen until a few years ago (the Ministry of the Environment was established in 1986). This is because we are finally earning at our expenses, as pollution and climate change teach us, to give the right weight to natural capital. According to the experts who drafted the Fourth report on the state of natural capital in Italy, our generation must be the one capable of leaving Italy’s natural system and biodiversity in a better state than the one we have inherited.

This is why they suggest that the PNRR includes a major investment in restoring terrestrial and marine environments through the creation of green infrastructures and nature-based solutions.

We could take a new and fascinating path that willlead us, if we are wise, to integrate people necessities, economic needs and resources.