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Sun, Sep

The legacy


The Ministry of Ecological Transition announced the National Plan for the containment of natural gas consumption.

The different measures all together aim at ensuring an higher degree of storage filling for 2022-2023 winter and to diversify the origin of the imported gas. This will allow us to reduce the dependency from Russian gas starting from the second half of 2024, and to reduce the use of gas in general. A United Nations report underlines for the first time since its creation more than 30 years ago, that the Human Development Index has declined for two years in a row, in 2020 and 2021, returning to the level of 2016. A decline that would affect more than 90% of nations, triggered by Covid and aggravated by the war. With the aggravation of the climate change and ecological transition. In this context, each of us is called to contribute for a change of status that can be made by the new generations, the true protagonists of the future. There are more and more young people who care about environment protection and of our Planet, which affects all areas of globalized society. As the singer-songwriter, conductor, and musician Francesca Michielin, 27, stated: we have been spoiled for years and wasted a lot of resources, but now we can no longer do it. There are many things that can be done: starting from taking shorter showers all the way to which product we choose to use. There are no more excuses. We are now asked to contribute to save energy according to the provisions of the aforementioned Plan: lower the temperature of the heated rooms by 1 degree, reduce the heating period by 15 days and the daily one by one hour. We are also given suggestion for put into action virtuous behavioral measures at zero cost to limit energy consumption. Let’s try, these are just small sacrifices that we will make more willingly if the next Government in place proves to be up to the very difficult task that awaits it.