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Sat, Jul

Customized drive for LPG, methane, hybrid and electric


To optimize the driving style can be a good practice, even environmentally friendly, to be achieved with your own sensitivity or by being helped by dedicated devices.

 This is what Rapid FR does, a device produced by Dimsport, of the Holdim Group, used to customize the car which can give satisfaction to those who wish for a more feisty and fun way to drive or for those who want to pollute and consume less, which ever is the fuel used by the vehicles. It can be installed on electrified vehicles, turbo petrol and turbo diesel cars, small aspirated gasoline cars, methane and LPG bi fuels, light commercial means. The installation can be done in a few minutes thanks to a simple instruction video, even without the help of a specialized technician. The device also allows a temporary connection, possibly on company cars that benefit from the long-term rental formula, for example. It can also be purchased through the new e-commerce available on the website www.rapidfr.it