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Mon, Oct

Connected car, sustainable mobility, industrial vehicle service: This is Autopromotec!


The International Fair of car equipment and aftermarket is held every two years in Bologna. This year it will be held from May 24th until May 28th.

There will be over 575 categories of products in order to cover every sub sector of car after market products including a selection of specialized events where all the visitors can easily see personalized itineraries according their professional interests. There will also be the Industrial Vehicle Service, an exhibition dedicated to the assistance of heavy vehicles. The expositors – over 950, more than 300 of which are from abroad – are listed in the guide that is distributed to the operators. Innovative technologies crucial to containing operating costs and emissions are the highlight of the fair.

Autopromotec is also organizing a rich program of meetings : AutopromotecEDU, a think tank dedicated to the analysis sector and to the most current and innovative topics in the car after market will host on Thursday May 25th a meeting by Anfia-Aftermarket (Section dedicated to the automotive spare parts of ANFIA, the National Association of the Automotive Industry) on the distribution of spare parts in the truck market. Also on the 25th there will be the International Aftermarket Meeting 2017, on the subject “Mobile solutions – Aftermarket Opportunities and Challenges”. On Friday May 26th, there will be a roundtable discussion regarding “Circular Economy: the virtuous case of the tires production chain”. Federmetano, the National Federation of methane distributors and transporters, will host two different meetings. The first one will be held on Friday May 26th at 10 am and will analyze the development of liquid methane (GNL) and compressed methane (CNG) distribution net. The second one will be on Saturday, still at 10 am on engine transformations into dual fuel uses either with methane or LPG. Here, particular attention will be devoted to new technological innovations such as the installation of dual fuel systems in light and heavy vehicles, incentives and the retraining of the CNG-4 tanks. At Autopromotec there will also be Ecomobile, together with the Ecogas Consortium. In Hall 25 and in the external area 48, you will find some gas cars back from major international championships dedicated to alternative energy.

For info: www.autopromotec.com - www.facebook.com/Autopromotec - twitter.com/Autopromotec