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Sat, Jul

The EU Commission presented the European Green deal, a road map with actions to stimulate the efficient use of resources, thanks to the transition to a circular and clean economy, in order to stop climate change, ending biodiversity loss and overall reducing pollution.

This is the result that we hope for with the certain proposals that we have listened to in amazement. They just need to melt away. We look for a bit of healthy environmentalism and certainly not the choices for a Green New Deal that the Government is preparing to put into effect.

The year starts with a provisional law which is partial and not too incisive. Bonuses given for the purchase of ecological cars will offer a scarce benefit to drivers.

The Government budget is based on the circulating vehicles – present and future. This isn’t a wild statement. In fact according to the data supplied by Acea, the European association of car producers, in 15 countries of the EU (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlander, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Great Britain, basically all of the original EU countries excluding those which entered into the EU after 1995) the tax turnover on motor vehicle equals to 413 billion euros per year, an amount that is about three times the whole EU total balance.

Year 2017 is almost finished. The XVII legislation is ending. The Boon climate conference took place without going noticed. Smog is sufficating all of the major cities.

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