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Thu, Sep

2035, stop to internal combustion engines?


During the fourth Cite’s meeting (the Inter Ministerial Committee for Ecological transition), chaired by Vice President and Minister of Ecological Transition Mr. Roberto Cingolani, the time frames for replacing vehicles with internal combustion engines have been defined.

The decision made on December 9th has been announced: in line with most of the other advanced countries, phase out of new cars with internal combustion engines must take place before 2035, while trucks and light transport vehicles have time until 2040. The announce from the Minister of Ecological Transition continues making a very important statement regarding alternative fuels: In such transition we must employ all of the solutions available and functional to decarbonization of transportation reaching a “technological neutrality” promoting non only electric vehicles but exploiting also all of the potential of hydrogen, as well the fundamental role that bio fuel can play in this transition, as Italy has built a very important and advanced production chain. A paragraph is dedicated to the so called niche constructors, referring to some Italian motor sport excellences: specific measure could possibly be evaluated with the European Commission within the boundaries of the community laws. The announcement has sparked very strong and contrary reactions from the associations, which call for a better plan and road map.