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Thu, Sep

Holocaust Ukraine, energy emergency


On February 24th Putin started to invade Ukraine.

Beyond the human tragedy and the failure of diplomatic western policies, there will be disastrous consequences on the world economy. In the forefront the energy issue that is comes up strongly in everyone’s agenda and has serious repercussions for our country. This situation requires the implement of emergency measures. The Government identified such as greater flexibility in consumption, interruptions in the industrial sector, rules on gas consumption in the thermo-electric sector, an increase in alternative supplies, an increase in flows from gas pipelines that are not fully loaded like the TAP from Azerbaijan, TransMed from Algeria and Tunisia, GreenStream from Libya. The options under consideration include greater use of available liquid natural gas terminals and possible temporary increases in coal or oil-fired thermo-electric production. For the future, there is the intention to proceed, in the long term, towards the development of renewable sources. For Prime Minister Mr. Mario Draghi the energetic transition cannot be separated by gas: we need to invest into the bio-methane development, reinforced the southern corridor, improve our regasification capacity and increase domestic production at the expense of imports.