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Electric vehicles. Charging points.

Current News

In Italy, on March 31st, 2022, were counted 27,857 charging stations overall located in 14,311 charging infrastructures (either stations or columns) and 11,333 locations accessible to the public, 77,3% of which are located on public sole (roads) while the remaining 22,7% is located on private sole (supermarkets or malls).

The data was provided by Motus-E, an association made of industrial operators, automotive supply chain operators, academic scholars and all of those involved into promoting electric mobility. About 12% of the infrastructures results non accessible, because either not yet connected to the electric net or simply because are still waiting for authorizations. The 93% of charging points is in alternating current (AC), 7% in continuous current (DC). 16% of the charging stations are at slow recharge (it means that the power supplied is equal or less than 7 kW), while 77% is accelerated recharge or also known as fast recharge in AC (power supplied is between 7 kW and 43 kW), 3,5% fast DC (up to 50 kW) and finally the remaining 3,5% are considered high power charging stations (2% up to 150kW and 1,5% over 150 kW).