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Tue, Nov

Emme Informatica and the European challenge: the innovation for the car wash business

Current News

The automation of payment methods for the oil distribution sector is a deep rooted need and now a days it is also very important in the field of car wash.

On this front the company Emme Informatica, a software house based in Padua, during the fair Autopromotec 2022 offered its technological competences to the European car wash world. Sherlock 2.0 a very powerful cloud developed together with Mark Srl, a company leader company in self-service automation payments for car wash and laundry-mat. It is an incredibly innovative solution which is the result of decades of experiences. – explain both the companies. It can mark the dawn of a new era for car wash and White Pumps. Two worlds that complement and make each other more efficient: in fact, the Multistation System by Emme Informatica can now be integrated into Mark equipment. This is one of the most popular tools used to develop customer loyalty in the Italian network of drivers, who will now be able to extend it to car washes equipped with Mark machinery.