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Sat, Jul

The Roman Vallelunga racetrack was recently the scene of a series of tests for the Alfa Racing Club aimed at demonstrating how two experimental modified cars that adopt ACStag and EcoWorld Gas systems work.

It isn’t surprising to see a V8 racing car competing in the temple of motor racing with its injectors spraying LPG into the cylinders. This is proposed by Mr. Fulvio Maria Ballabio, with a carbon fiber frame: Tecno Nanni Galli V8 Ecoracing. The company that created this supercar is Montecarlo Engineering, founded by Ballabio together with Carlo Chiti. The supercar takes its name from this successful partnership.

In the past few months, Italy has outnumbered Spain in the number of service stations for trucks that use liquefied natural gas (LNG),
becoming the leading operator in the sector in Europe.

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