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Sat, Jul

Over 180 operators in the fuel sector were present at the two open days organized by Aspro Italy at its plant in Nonantola, in the province of Modena, on December 5th and 6th.

The decree approved on October 23rd, 2018 of the Interior Minister titled “Technical regulation of fire prevention for the design, construction and operation of hydrogen distribution systems for motor vehicles” was published in the Official Journal dated November 5th.

As of September 1st 2017, new car models will have to pass new and more reliable emissions tests in real driving conditions (“Real Driving Emissions” – RDE) as well as an improved laboratory test (“World Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure” – WLTP) before they can be driven on European roads. Both tests will be phased in for all new cars between 2018-2019.

With increasingly higher prices of gasoline, the problem of fuel costs becomes increasingly heavier, forcing us to orient consumption towards LPG installations or methane which is much cheaper with the same autonomy.

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